Elling, the quirky Scandinavian comedy by Simon Bent, based on the novel by Ingvar Ambjørnsen, is coming to Circa Theatre from the 26th of June to the 24th of July.
Volunteer journalist and comedian Guy Williams is touring with an infamous New Zealand icon this month. But Karen from Stokes Valley is not who she seems…
Now entering its seventh year, the Great DIY BurlesKiwi challenges competitors from all over the country to bring an award-winning burlesque performance to the stage for under $100.
Indian Ink brings the real-life mystery of India’s vanishing vultures to Te Auaha this month in Paradise or the Impermanence of Ice Cream, a brand-new play about the impermanence of life, love… and ice cream.
We asked stand-up comedian Ray O’Leary possibly the worst question ever before his NZ International Comedy show Ray Against the Machine makes it to the stage.
Transmission is drawn from verbatim interviews Stuart McKenzie and Miranda Harcourt conducted with epidemiologist Michael Baker, Deputy Prime Minister Grant Robertson, and Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern in the thick of COVID-19.
Comedian Chris Parker will host the next Wellington Comedy Club show. “It’s all going to be centred around me”, he says of his set. “I’m such a narcissist. So expect it to be loud, gay, and camp!”